
The Six System Objectives of the Bahamas
Catholic Board of Education

The Catholic Board of Education dedicates and commits itself to the following goals and objectives:

  1. To provide a programme in keeping with the states of a child’s development, conducive to developing the skills and the abilities to think, to learn, to create, and to communicate.
  2. To establish a classroom environment where pupils can become actively involved with other people, and where children are grouped flexibly according to their needs, interests and requirements.
  3. To create an environment where an integrated approach to learning will evolve from meaningful first-hand experiences gained either in the school or in the world outside the school.
  4. To use a multiplicity of ways and means to integrate technology, art, and drama in the classrooms thus affording all students the opportunity to become critical thinkers, contributing citizens and well-rounded human beings.
  5. To develop both academic and professional excellence and interdependence, as Christian educators, so as to be able to operate effectively as a team both within a school and within the system.
  6. To provide educational leadership that will inspire confidence, openness and trust and which will encourage, support, and assist teachers in their professional and programme development.